MAC to elect new chair, consider amendments to General Plan Zoning
- By : Michael Kusiak
- Category : Governance, MAC
- Tags: Castro Valley MAC, Castro Valley Marketplace, Daughtrey's Building, Gay Pride Flag, General Plan, MAC, MAC Chair, MAC meeting

Castro Valley’s Municipal Advisory Council (MAC) is scheduled to elect a new MAC Chair at its Monday night meeting at 6:00 at the Castro Valley Library. Under new Rules and Procedures adopted for the MAC last October, a Chair and Vice Chair cannot serve more than two consecutive years in each position.

When these changes were made last October, Supervisor Nate Miley said that the rotation of the chair “has been an issue that has come up in the past,” and that he wanted the MACs in unincorporated Alameda County to get in the habit of having the chair rotate on a regular basis so “that other people have the opportunity to serve in a leadership function.” Current MAC Chair Marc Crawford has served two consecutive terms and has served in the Chair role multiple times in his nearly decade tenure on the Council.
Castro Valley Matters supported these changes to the MAC bylaws and has advocated for the election of the MAC.
The MAC will also consider:
- A mural on two walls at the northeast corner of the Castro Valley Marketplace
- Draft Zoning Ordinance Amendments in order to the help implement the Castro Valley General Plan.
The full meeting agenda can be found on the MAC website.
Vice Chair letter to newspaper scrutinized
Vice Chair Ted Riche’s letter to The Castro Valley Forum against Castro Valley High School flying the rainbow gay pride flag has prompted community members to speak out against his letter on social media. Some plan to speak at Monday’s meeting during public comment.
In that letter, Riche wrote, “I was disappointed to see a flag other than the US and California Republic flag being flown on the CV High flag pole.” Additionally, he wrote, “a public school flag pole is not meant to be utilized as an agenda driven format.” Both Canyon and Creekside Middle Schools raised the rainbow flag in recent weeks.

At its June 4, 2019 meeting, the Alameda County Board of Supervisors decided to allow the pride flag to be flown during the month of June and to develop “a Flag Display Policy that embraces this notion of inclusion and equality.”