The Written History of the Castro Valley MAC
- By : Michael Baldwin
- Category : Alameda County, Governance, Headline Story, MAC, Reference Documents

At Castro Valley Matters, we often discuss the Castro Valley Municipal Advisory Council (MAC) and what they have or have not done in the past. This requires research, which can be a bit of a pain.
As a community service, we have compiled all known Castro Valley MAC Land Use bimonthly meeting minutes posted on the Alameda County websites into one fully searchable file. This covers almost every MAC Land Use meeting from May 24, 2004 through December 8, 2014.
This file also includes the minutes of the MAC General Purpose meetings from March 18, 2013 through March 16, 2015. Oddly, the minutes for MAC General Purpose meetings -which usually meets once per month, have never been posted online. The minutes included here were obtained by requesting them through the office of the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors.
MAC Land Use and General Purpose meetings are administered by different departments within the County, so their procedures for posting minutes online differ.
Please feel free to peruse this lengthy file (719 pages,) for a historical perspective on the MAC and the decisions they have made over the years. You can search for any term or word you like by using the “find” or “Control-F” function on Adobe reader.