The June 2014 Primary Election Report for Castro Valley
- By : Rebecca Stanek-Rykoff
- Category : Governance, Headline Story
Yesterday, voters across California went to the polls — or trusted that their mailed-in ballots were counted — for the primaries. California’s open primary system means that voters need not stick to one party on their primary ballot. It also means that only the top two vote-getters move on to the November general.

Here’s who’s going on to November:
California State Legislature
State Assembly District 20
Bill Quirk (D, incumbent) – 65.5%
Jaime Patino (R) – 23.9%
State Senate District 10
Bob Wieckowski (D) – 35.0%
Peter Kuo (R) – 26.2%
United States Congress
U.S. Congress, California District 15
Eric Swalwell (D, incumbent) – 49.2%
Hugh Bussell (R) – 25.9%
Alameda County
Alameda County Superintendent of Schools
(Note that this is a non-partisan office; should a candidate get more than 50% of the vote then there is no run-off in November.)
Karen Monroe – 34.0%
Helen K. Foster – 21.9%
Alameda County Auditor-Controller/Clerk-Recorder
Steve Manning – 73.7%
Kathleen Knox – 25.6%
(Note that several County races were uncontested, including Sheriff-Coroner, Assessor, District Attorney, and Treasurer-Tax Collector)
California Statewide Offices
Jerry Brown (D, incumbent) – 54.5%
Neel Kashkari (R) – 19.0%
Lieutenant Governor
Gavin Newsom (D, incumbent) – 49.9%
Ron Nehring (R) – 23.2%
Secretary of State
Alex Padilla (D) – 30.1%
Pete Peterson (R) – 29.6%
Ashley Swearengin (R) – 24.4%
John A. Perez (D) – 21.7%
John Chiang (D) – 55.1%
Greg Conlon (R) – 38.4%
Attorney General
Kamala Harris (D, incumbent) – 53.1%
Ronald Gold (R) – 12.7%
Insurance Commissioner
Dave Jones (D) – 53.1%
Ted Gaines (R) – 41.6%
Superintendent of Public Instruction
(Note that this is a non-partisan office; should a candidate get more than 50% of the vote then there is no run-off in November.)
Tom Torlakson – 46.9%
Marshall Tuck – 28.6%
Ballot Initiatives
Alameda County: Measure AA
(Requires 2/3 majority to pass.)
Yes – 74.5%
State Proposition 41
Yes – 65.4%
State Proposition 42
Yes – 61.5%