Hi Pastor Jake! Wonderful to see the Lord is using you mightily😇
We’re working on housing down here too! Chk it out. Faith Community YIGBY Housing Plan – Yes In God’s Back Yard http://www.yigby.org
You are a blessing!
How FirstPres Church has helped neighbors in need of food and shelter
- By : Chizu Buckalew
- Category : Community, Homelessness, SF Homeless Project
- Tags: First Presbyterian, Homeless, Homelessness, Tiny Homes

In December 2016, someone come by the FirstPres office on a rainy afternoon asking if we could help them.
With thankfulness, this “Neighbor in Need” received a blanket that we had and went on their way. But we could not shake the feeling that we had to do better. There were and still are people in this community that need help. That event started FirstPres on this journey of learning how to love and serve our all of our Neighbors in Need.
Currently we have five programs here at the church to serve the houseless.
- Every Sunday we serve breakfast from 6:30 am – 8:30 am. There are made to order omelets, biscuits and gravy, pancakes and more. This past Sunday we served 118 people.
- On the second and forth Sunday of the month from 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm, we provide hot showers, a meal, and clothing for 30 people.
- Our “Park Out Program” provides safe overnight parking for up to six cars in our parking lot.
- From December to April, we hosted a winter shelter so that our houseless friends could sleep in the gym and get out of the cold and rain. The community helped us provide warm dinners for 92 nights, putting a roof over 2,671 heads for the season.

- Our next endeavor is putting six “Tiny Homes” in our parking lot as transitional housing for individuals. We are in the final stages of approval and hope to start the infrastructure work in September so that we can have residents in place in November.

In the coming days we will be looking towards the community to help make all of this happen with donations of time and goods.