Castro Valley, where are you and who are you?
- By : Linda Willis
- Category : Featured Story, Public Art

Author Gertrude Stein famously wrote that Oakland had no “there” there. So what about Castro Valley? Is there a “there” here?
Until recently, Castro Valley (over 63,000 residents) was metaphorically not on the map! There is no official signage designating Castro Valley as a destination and a place with community assets to showcase.
Thankfully, the signage omission is about to change. Alameda County is planning a Community Identifier Sign for the 580 Highway/Redwood Road overpass. The sign will say “Castro Valley”, along design elements, on both sides of the overpass. An estimated 20,000 cars a day travel the overpass, so Castro Valley will be located as a place!

Since our last update on the community identifier project, much has happened! An Artist Selection Committee, composed of Castro Valley community representatives and artists, chose the five semi-finalists in March 2017 from 43 artist applicants.
The semi-finalists are:
- Suzanne Gayle, Hayward
- Andrew Kong Knight, Hayward
- Robert Minervini, Oakland
- Christine Pacheco, Hayward
- John Wehrle, Richmond
But what about the “Who Are We?” How will the sign introduce Castro Valley as a “there”?
That is where you can make an impact!
- Fill out the Community Survey. Say what you like about Castro Valley, what design elements best represent us and what does not. It takes about 10 minutes and there is no current submission deadline.
- Attend a Community Roundtable April 25, 2017 at the Castro Valley Library, 6:00-7:30 pm. Meet the five artists who will make design proposals, share your thoughts and let the artists know how you would like Castro Valley to be represented on the Community Identifier.
- View the artist proposals at the Castro Valley Library (or online) June20-July 26, 2017. Share your comments about what you like and why!
This is your chance to place and introduce your community, please take it!