Thanks for standing up for civil rights, science and facts, Mr. Swalwell. It’s easy to feel despondent over the the new kakistocracy in DC. But you are a beacon of integrity amidst the alt-factual crowd. And welcome to big-hearted, unincorporated CV! We need elected officials who realize we matter!
Hello neighbor!
- By : Rep. Eric Swalwell (CA-15)
- Category : Community, Featured Story
- Tags: Eric Swalwell

I’m no longer just Castro Valley’s Congressman – now I’m a neighbor too!
My new district office opened January 3 at 3615 Castro Valley Blvd. – behind the KFC, next to the CVS – after I decided to consolidate my two old offices in Pleasanton and Hayward in order to save taxpayers’ money and make our operations more efficient. Now all of my staff is under one roof, a short walk from the Castro Valley BART station, ready to serve you and the rest of the 15th Congressional District.

It’s more important than ever that we stand, speak out and act for American values of opportunity, equality and justice. You sent me to a third term in Congress to fight to protect progress we’ve made and to continue pushing forward, and that’s exactly what I plan to do. I’m still optimistic that we can find ways to cooperate across the aisle on creating jobs, relieving the crushing burden of student loan debt, and keeping our nation safe so that everyone shares in the Freedom to Dream.
As I step up my efforts in Washington as Co-Chair of the Democratic Steering and Policy Committee; chairman of Future Forum; Ranking Member of the House Intelligence CIA Subcommittee; and a member of the Judiciary Committee, my staff will be working harder than ever to make sure you have the services and support you need and deserve. We have district staffers specially focused on Medicare and Social Security; veterans’ issues and benefits; the Internal Revenue Service; immigration issues, and many other areas.
I hope can join us this Saturday, Feb. 4 for an open house: We’ll be open from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. so you can come by and have a look at our – or really, your – new district office. My staff and I will be available to show you around, explain the services we can provide, and answer questions.
It’s free and open to all, but our office is only so big and we must plan accordingly. If you intend to come, we’d be much obliged if you could RSVP online. Our parking lot will be closed to allow for crowds, so please plan on parking at Castro Valley BART – just 0.2 mile from our office. If you have any questions, call the office at 510-370-3322.
If you can’t make it, don’t worry – we’ll have another constituent event somewhere in the district soon. You can also keep up with what’s happening by visiting my website, following me on Twitter, or “liking” me on Facebook.
I hope to see you Saturday, neighbor!