Get your 2016 tax deduction by joining and donating to Castro Valley Matters before 2017!
- By : Michael Kusiak
- Category : Featured Story
- Tags: Donate to CVM, Join CVM

Become a CVM annual member and donate to Castro Valley Matters before January 1, 2017.
Your tax deductible membership or donation helps us maintain our website, notify members about upcoming events, and produce newsletters and updates about what matters in Castro Valley’s civic conversation.
Our engagement in 2016 has created momentum for a 2017 where the people of Castro Valley will have a greater voice in the fate of our community.
- CVM’s promotion of the Elected MAC Town Hall resulted in attendance by over 200 people who overwhelming supported an elected MAC.
- We partnered with the Chamber of Commerce for a Board of Supervisors candidate town hall, and we volunteered at the Chamber’s weekly food truck events.
- We continued our efforts to inform the public about local elections with candidate statements for races normally not covered by local media.
- We helped Castro Valley make sense of California’s 17 ballot propositions and were featured in a CALmatters article about our efforts.
- Our advocacy with Castro Valley Matters member Linda Willis has set the groundwork for a community identifier at the Interstate 580 overpass at Redwood Road.
2017 promises to be a year where civic engagement and action are important to building a vibrant Castro Valley community.
- We will have an opportunity to refine our proposal for an elected Castro Valley MAC and work with other our unincorporated communities across California for democratic local control.
- We have a renewed opportunity to revisit what will become of the heart of Castro Valley at the Daughtrey’s building site.
Whether it’s at a community meeting, at food trucks, or a brief exchange of emails, we build our power to control the destiny of Castro Valley by connecting. Castro Valley Matters connects our community for change.
- You can join CVM here.
- You can donate to CVM here.
Let’s build a vision for Castro Valley together in 2017.