It strikes me that the developer bailed on the project rather quickly. Is it possible that the environmental protest was just an excuse? I would think that many people living in Castro Valley would have welcomed a market like Sprouts. Seems strange to me that the developer would quit so easily.
Sprouts Project Cancelled
- By : Michael Kusiak
- Category : Economic Development, Featured Story, Headline Story
- Tags: Rite-Aid, Sprouts

Sprouts is no longer coming to Castro Valley, according to an article published in today’s Castro Valley Forum. The developer of the project, Kin Properties, Inc., cited a recently filed evironmental protest against the project for cancelling the project, according to the Forum.
Sprouts would have been located at the current site of Rite-Aid on Castro Valley Boulevard. Rite-Aid would have occupied a smaller, renovated space at the property along with a third retailer to be determined.
Public interest law firm M.R. Wolfe and Associates of San Francisco filed the protest under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and had previously filed an appeal to the Alameda County Planning Commission in March. The appeal, filed on behalf of Castro Valley resident Cassandra Hunter and denied by the Commission, asserted that the new store “would constitute a substantial intensification of the existing land use, generating significant new impacts relating to traffic, air quality, noise and/or urban decay.”
No discernible public opposition to the project has been encountered during the planning process, on social media, or in letters to the Castro Valley Forum; however, residents in the neighborhood surrounding the Rite-Aid property received flyers from opponents of the Sprouts project.
UPDATE: Supervisor Nate Miley’s office provided this statement about the cancelled Sprouts project:
“Supervisor Miley is open and willing to meet with the property owner and the appellant to work out the issues so that the project can continue. He supports Sprouts Farmers Market coming to Castro Valley. The likelihood that another project can happen at this site is high, but he would still like to have Sprouts Farmers Market at the location.”