While searching for your email address, on a business card (?) that you gave me at our CV Democratic
Club meeting, I could not find it for this message. It seems that I must have missed your Board meet in
March on Sunday (?). While attempting to keep track of everything on a busy schedule which includes
my CV Democrats role for membership, it seems that my EALI focus has overcast my CVM schedule.
How do I catch up with your Board meeting schedule, with agenda ? Part of my interest would be to
establish regular Castro Valley Democratic Club representation to CVM, or vice versa if that is better ?
Castro Valley Educational Leaders Endorse Elected MAC
- By : Michael Kusiak
- Category : Alameda County, Featured Story, Governance, MAC
- Tags: Elected MAC

Castro Valley Unified School District (CVUSD) Board of Education Trustees Gary Howard, John Barbieri, and Charmaine Banther, and Retired CVUSD Superintendent Jim Negri have endorsed an elected Castro Valley Municipal Advisory Council.
They join CVUSD Trustee Dot Theodore in their support of an elected MAC.

“Castro Valley is one of the largest unincorporated areas in the state,” said Howard, who serves as the Vice President of the CVUSD Board of Trustees. “Many smaller areas elect their MAC boards. An elected MAC board would encourage more participation in the community affairs in Castro Valley. I urge the Board of Supervisors to allow that election.”

“As a teacher and administrator, my role was to educate the next generation of citizens to actively participate in a democratic society,” said Negri, who retired as CVUSD’s Superintendent last year. “If we espouse participatory democracy, the natural question is ‘Why wouldn’t we want to empower the citizens of Castro Valley to actively participate in local decision-making through an elected MAC?'”

Barbieri, who has previously served as the Board President, confirmed his support of an elected MAC to Castro Valley Matters last Thursday. He was fist elected to the CVUSD Board of Education in 1991.

“How can we have public accountability with an appointed board?” asked Banther, elected to the Board in 2012, who has also confirmed her support for an elected MAC.

In her endorsement of an elected MAC on January 17, Theodore said, “Electing our leaders is fundamental in a democratic system. Every civic leader should support and encourage greater democracy.”
Howard’s, Barbieri’s, Banther’s, Theodore’s, and Negri’s endorsements for an elected MAC are individual endorsements. They do not represent an official position or endorsement from CVUSD.
Castro Valley will gather on Monday, February 29 starting at 7:00 p.m. for a town hall at Canyon Middle School to discuss the pros and cons of electing Castro Valley’s MAC. You can RSVP for the townhall on Facebook.