More Community Leaders Endorse an Elected MAC
- By : Castro Valley Matters
- Category : Alameda County, Community, CVSAN, CVUSD, EBMUD, EBRPD, Featured Story, Governance, HARD, Headline Story, Local Control, MAC, The Week Ahead

Local community leaders continue to come out in favor of electing the Castro Valley Municipal Advisory Council (MAC). The latest two are Dennis Waespi, and Andy Frank.
Dennis Waespi has served on the East Bay Regional Park District Board since 2014. He also served on the Castro Valley Sanitary District Board of Directors from 1999 to 2011 and on the Hayward Area Recreation and Park District Board of Directors from 2008 to 2014.
He previously served on the Board of Directors of the Alameda County Waste Management Authority, the Alameda County Source Reduction and Recycling, and the Alameda County Parks, Recreation, and Historical Commission. Waespi is currently a member of the Alameda Fire Advisory Commission and the Castro Valley Sanitary District Community Advisory Commission.
I have listened to arguments both for and against an elected MAC. I feel the current MAC members do an excellent job and listen to the Castro Valley community. I also feel that Supervisor Miley has made good choices in appointing MAC members and truly listens to the advice of the MAC. That being said, I think an elected MAC would give Castro Valley the ability to chose the representatives that make the decisions that affect our futures. This would be a step toward more local control for our community, an ideal that I have and will continue to fight for.
Andy Frank, a prominent local community leader, served on the MAC for over 10 years and was the MAC Chairman for several of those years. Frank has also served on the Alameda County Redevelopment Agency Castro Valley Citizens Advisory Committee, as well as other local committees.
No question. The MAC should be elected by the people of Castro Valley.
Please make time in your schedule to attend Supervisor Miley’s town hall event on Monday February 29th in the Canyon Middle School cafeteria to learn the pros and cons of the issue. The event starts at 7 p.m., and doors open at 6:30 p.m.
Learn more about the elected MAC proposal by visiting this page.