Swalwell Endorses Elected Castro Valley MAC, Urges County Supes’ OK
- By : Michael Kusiak
- Category : Alameda County, Featured Story, Governance, Headline Story, Local Control, MAC, State of California
- Tags: Castro Valley MAC, Elected MAC, endorsement, Eric Swalwell, MAC

Congressman Eric Swalwell has endorsed a proposal calling for an elected Municipal Advisory Council (MAC) for Castro Valley. In a statement to Castro Valley Matters, Swalwell, whose 15th Congressional District includes Castro Valley, said:
In an unincorporated community like Castro Valley, an election can empower 63,000 residents and give a greater measure of local control and influence in their community affairs. I endorse an elected MAC for Castro Valley and encourage the Alameda County Board of Supervisors to authorize it so that the citizens of Castro Valley may elect their community leaders in November 2016.

In a letter submitted to the Board of Supervisors in December, Castro Valley Matters’ Board of Directors asked the Supervisors to “either pass a resolution changing the Castro Valley MAC to an elected body or place a referendum on the June 2016 ballot so voters within the Castro Valley General Plan Area can decide if the Castro Valley MAC should be elected by its constituents.”
The Castro Valley MAC, established as an appointed body in a 1981 Board of Supervisors resolution, advises the Board of Supervisors on local planning, land use and community development issues. Under California law, a MAC may be elected or appointed.
The Alameda County Board of Supervisors‘ Transportation/Planning Committee, which consists of Supervisors Nate Miley and Scott Haggerty, will discuss an elected MAC as an informational item on Thursday, January 21 at 11 a.m. at the County Administration Building at 1221 Oak Street in downtown Oakland.
Castro Valley Matters urges you to attend Thursday’s meeting and contact Supervisor Miley, whose district includes Castro Valley, and Board President Haggerty to let them know that you support an elected MAC.
Read our previous coverage for information on why Castro Valley Matters believes that an elected MAC would empower Castro Valley residents and give our community a stronger voice on issues that affect us.