MAC Vice Chair departs MAC, council down to five members
- By : Castro Valley Matters
- Category : Featured Story, Governance, MAC

Tonight was Cheryl Miraglia’s last meeting as a member and Vice Chair of the Castro Valley MAC.
With Miraglia’s resignation there will now be two open seats on the MAC. Supervisor Nate Miley appointed Chuck Moore and Janet Everson to the MAC in May 2015, but a third vacant seat remained unfilled after a long, public MAC selection process. Supervisor Miley’s office stated they would restart the search process after Labor Day.
Miraglia, who has been a member of the MAC since 2005, received praise from Supervisor Nate Miley, fellow MAC members and Alameda County staff at tonight’s meeting. In her ten year tenure, she spent three as MAC chair and six as vice chair. She said she is looking forward to “tackling the long list of things”she can now do on Monday nights.
At tonight’s meeting, several people thanked her for her mentoring and dedication to Castro Valley.
- Miley said, “Cheryl put in countless hours and made an active effort to improve the local community.”
- Matt Turner, former MAC member and current Constituent Liaison and Organizer for Supervisor Miley thanked Miraglia her her “level of dedication, effort and commitment. She has shown the way on how to be a good civic leader.”
- Chair Marc Crawford called him and Miraglia a “dynamic duo” in their five years of shared service on the MAC.
- Chris Bazar, Community Development Director of Alameda County, complimented Miraglia’s diligence and preparedness.
Castro Valley Matters supports elected MACs in Alameda County, rather than appointed ones, with the goal of having this decided on the June 2016 ballot. Sign this petition to support an elected MAC.